Non-Clinical Evaluation Center

Experience the excellence

*N-CEC proudly announces that it has become one of the council member recognized by the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI).* *Validity evaluation service council selected by KHIDI working efficiently to revolutionize basic and intermediary research in new drugs and medical devices.*


Measure of quality service

Projects are of great importance to any organization and project delivery with highest standard measures the quality and capacity of the organization. N-CEC is a CRO built on trust and efficiency and drives your Non-clinical trials on time, on budget with unmatched efficiency.

Here are the some of the key projects completed by N-CEC

  • Research on healthy functional food materials for improving blood circulation
  • Functional screening for individual recognition of poison ivy, evaluation of non-clinical efficacy
  • Autophagy signaling through calcium communication of organelles and cancer physiology research
  • Effect of Synthetic Peptide in Rat Ovariectomization Model
  • Evaluation of rat's infant growth and development efficacy
  • Effects of Natural Complex Extracts in Rat Prostatic Hyperplasia Model
  • Evaluation of obesity efficacy of the extract
  • In vivo evaluation of hangover relief efficacy of complex extract
  • In vivo evaluation of body fat improvement efficacy of synthetic or extract
  • Cell test to identify functional efficacy of the extract in the obesity model

Current Key Project That Shaping Our Research On Functional Ingredients and Health

Project title: Research on Advancing Functional Evaluation Techniques for Functional Ingredients in Health Functional Foods

Project title (Korean): 건강기능식품 기능성원료 기능성평가 기술고도화 연구 - 건강기능식품 특성을 반영한 기능성 평가가이드 마련과제번호

Non-Clinical Evaluation Center (N-CEC) introduces our new project, Research on Advancing Functional Evaluation Techniques for Functional Ingredients in Health Functional Foods (Project No 24192 MFDS068). This initiative, spearheaded by the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, is dedicated to enhancing the scientific framework for evaluating the functional properties of health functional foods. Our goal is to develop a comprehensive evaluation guide focused on addressing key health concerns, including liver function, skin aging, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and periodontitis. By exploring the potential of functional ingredients to manage these conditions, we aim to drive innovation in the health functional food industry while upholding public health through robust scientific validation. Here are key published and unpublished reports, central to our investigation of liver function, skin aging, AMD, and periodontitis. Stay connected with NCEC as we pave the way for a healthier future through improved functional food evaluation!
Click here for key published and unpublished reports, central to this project